Of Course!

With flawed imaginings, I picture heaven.
A family reunited, meetings of those previously unknown.
Of trees with green leaves and bounty of fruit, flowers of
every color, paved streets of cobblestone.
I see a river of life flowing through it, folks happy, laughing,
singing, dancing.
And in the midst, the throne of our God.
But the seats of the throne are empty!
And then I see, I see what Heaven is really about.
I see the Father and Jesus joyfully mingling amongst
Their people, hugging and greeting Their sheep!

Copyright (c) 2023 Dana Cook


It’s genius really, how God brings all things together.
Microbe upon microbe, aligning time and circumstances.

Predominantly, time has free will.
But order is God’s, examining futures, making things right.

So, be patient for it will all work out.
Restoration through love is sequenced by God.

Forever and ever one can see
The Creator’s handiwork for you and me.

The you’s and me’s of the world come from different realities of
of cultures and colors.
And this was God’s orders in the book of Genesis-chaos contained in Peace.

God had a dream…Martin Luther King, Jr. had it right!

Copyright (c) 2021 Dana Cook, MSW


The layers of the beauty of the sky
All form together to make one beautiful thing.
That as far as the world can see, shines gloriously.

But I know its true meaning.
The beauty that lies within,
The filament of My masterpiece making the world right again.

The efforts that you make, spurned on by My beckoning
Create a chasm fortress that I (God) can clearly see,
Buttressed in My love one cannot help but see its glistening.

Here’s the way to see and gain understanding:
In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will lend an ear,
Leaning in to whisper that “I love you and hold you dear.”

Repeated confirmation that you realize its Me in you life
Strengthens and releases inside the one I created you to be.
Then you will see the person of beauty that you never knew
was a possibility.

Beauty comes from the inside:  its grace, love, and peace.
The fire kindled of the Holy Spirit,
Refined and cloaked in strength.

(c) 2017 Dana Cook




Seeing this space reminds me of a place that I used to go.
You know the one, its painful in a way.
Remembering what once brought joy is no longer the same.
But God will get me through this and onto the other side
Where happiness is and love resides!

(c) 2017 Dana Cook







Devotion, an element of Heaven
Begins slow on your part
And crescendos with Love’s prompt
To a place that is set apart

One cannot be as close as desired
Without God’s giving grace
For you to enter gallantly
Before His presence and stay

What does it take to be so brave
To seek His sovereign face
Is it me devoted to Him?
Or Him devoted to me that brings about this homecoming?

Whose constant pursuit satisfies the required step in faith?
Continually offering the self to Thee, answering the Higher standard call
Relinquishing that which is no longer needed
For Something so great (as You)

I am only this tiny little speck
Nothing much in comparison
But You have chosen to elevate
To one that You are so devoted!

(c) 2016 Dana Cook

Suited for Heaven

Suited for Heaven

Worthy is she to be called Mother
The one who gave birth to six
Lovingly she joined forces with the Father giving
life to us
Three went on before her to eternity
Gathered to the family of loved ones preceding her,
passing into glory.

When asked how do you want to be remembered?
Our mother replied, “Oh, that I loved my kids!”
The ones that God entrusted to her were all that mattered to her for her legacy.
This was all that mattered to this woman were those most precious to her.
Not business, not money, not things;
just that she loved her children.

The time has come for her to give up this earthly
For Christ has called her home
Great is the beautiful reward, her crown and mansion ready
Suited for heaven, the race is won.
Farewell for now, sweet Mother.

(c) 2016 Dana Cook

Inward Grace

(God never meant for us to have this pain and struggle. God wanted freedom and joy for us.)

Inward Grace

I am enlightened by His song of joy and love over me.
Instantly from You this one is flooded by the light
Immersed in His peace, I am resurrected within.

How happy am I to be in His presence again
Hopeful and safe in His loving arms that extend far and wide
His provision and protection sustain me through the greatest and deepest divide.

Jesus, its been You all along Who has beckoned me home
With clarity and rebirth so I can sing this song,
This song of happiness and heartfelt gratitude.

Inward grace requires my faith
And His effervescence to bubble up
Inside this temple that He designed now remarkably awakened!

Onward I go trusting His will and the way to show
To fulfill and sustain this wayward soul incrementally being tamed
Setting aside its desires following the most excellent way

(c) 2016 Dana Cook



Oh, my God
I love You so!
You are my history
I’ve been set free!

You are my present
For I am changed
From the chains of the past
Free to live in destiny for Thee

How grateful am I
From the depths of my soul
So now I go on to be
One of Yours to set the prisoners free

For I was bound in frustration’s grip
Displaying self in cushionings
That only tightened the links of slavery
Thinking I protecting myself from further pain

What needed to be exposed and healed for all time
What has kept generations from action for Thee
Our Lord and Savior, Christ the King!

Dana Cook
March 2016