The layers of the beauty of the sky
All form together to make one beautiful thing.
That as far as the world can see, shines gloriously.
But I know its true meaning.
The beauty that lies within,
The filament of My masterpiece making the world right again.
The efforts that you make, spurned on by My beckoning
Create a chasm fortress that I (God) can clearly see,
Buttressed in My love one cannot help but see its glistening.
Here’s the way to see and gain understanding:
In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will lend an ear,
Leaning in to whisper that “I love you and hold you dear.”
Repeated confirmation that you realize its Me in you life
Strengthens and releases inside the one I created you to be.
Then you will see the person of beauty that you never knew
was a possibility.
Beauty comes from the inside: its grace, love, and peace.
The fire kindled of the Holy Spirit,
Refined and cloaked in strength.
(c) 2017 Dana Cook